On Jan. 20, the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) issued a report summarizing its position on digital assets and proposing a ban on any crypto trading and mining operations in the country. Although the CBR’s strict position on the matter was never a secret, such a bold statement triggered waves of fear, uncertainty, and doubt — otherwise known as FUD…
Author: Crypto Superhero
The Changing Monetary System, Yield Curves And Bitcoin
Listen To This Episode: In this episode of Bitcoin Magazine’s “Fed Watch” podcast, Christian Keroles and I sat down with Jeff Snider, the head of global investment research at Alhambra Investments and a premier eurodollar expert, for a conversation about the current and changing state of the global financial system. We cover the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and Secured…
Around El Salvador in 45 days: A Bitcoin-only travel story
El Salvador adopted Bitcoin (BTC) as legal tender over four months ago on Sept. 7, 2021. Bitcoiners around the world have been watching with intent as the president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, attempts to “orange-pill” an entire nation. The president regularly buys the dip, has promised a low-tax Bitcoin “Citadel” in the form of Bitcoin City, and is exploring…
Support These Open-Source Bitcoin Projects
Our greatest asset as Bitcoiners is the blossoming open-source community that makes this movement possible. Open-source software empowers individuals around the world while remaining independent of governments and large corporations that continuously attempt to track, censor and control us. Many of these projects are not run for profit and do not have large budgets supporting them. Instead, they rely on…
Reflecting on Coinbase Ventures’ record year in 2021 | by Coinbase | Jan, 2022
Around the Block from Coinbase Ventures sheds light on key trends in crypto. Written by Connor Dempsey, Ryan Yi & Justin Mart. 2021 was a historic year for both crypto markets and venture capital funding. Driven in part by institutional inflows, Bitcoin soared to new highs to start the year, the entire market followed suit nearing a record $3T market…
US Unveils Bill Giving Treasury Secretary ‘Unchecked and Unilateral Power’ to Ban Crypto Transactions, Advocate Warns – Regulation Bitcoin News
A new bill introduced in the U.S. has a provision that “would essentially give the Treasury Secretary unchecked and unilateral power” to ban cryptocurrency transactions, warned crypto advocacy organization Coin Center. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will be able to prohibit any crypto transactions “without any process, rulemaking, or limitation on the duration of the prohibition.” America COMPETES Act of 2022…
Crypto industry seems willing to adopt FATF travel rule: Survey
The cryptocurrency industry is eager to comply with the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) so-called Travel Rule, and appears willing to work with regulators in order to expedite the process, a new survey found. As per a survey conducted by Notabene, a crypto compliance firm based in New York, most of the crypto industry will be Travel Rule-compliant by Q2…
Chrono․Tech Attracts $30 million Investment – Press release Bitcoin News
press release PRESS RELEASE. Australian asset manager Mark Carnegie and a European Family Office have recently taken stakes in the company, totalling around $30 million, as Chrono’s ecosystem soared in activity and value over the course of 2021. The growth of the crypto market and blockchain sector has been nothing short of sensational over the course of 2020 and 2021,…
Co-founder of defunct exchange QuadrigaCX allegedly runs Wonderland
In a series of twitter posts published Jan. 27, decentralized finance (DeFi) investigator zachxbt seemingly unveiled the true identity of previously anonymous QuadrigaCX co-founder Michael Patryn, doxxing him to be that of @0xSifu, the founder of DeFi protocol Wonderland. 1/ This needs to be shared @0xSifu is the Co-founder of QuadrigaCX, Michael Patryn. If you are unfamiliar that is the…
Brussels Member of Parliament to Take Full 2022 Salary in Bitcoin
Christophe De Beukelaer, a Brussels member of parliament, announced he will take his full 2022 salary in bitcoin in an effort to raise awareness about the digital currency in Europe and spark conversations around its usage across different areas of society. “I am the first in Europe, but not in the world, to want to shine the spotlight on cryptocurrencies…