US Still Dominates Bitcoin Mining Sector, 30-Day Stats Show Foundry USA Takes Top Pool Position

US Still Dominates Bitcoin Mining Sector, 30-Day Stats Show Foundry USA Takes Top Pool Position – Mining Bitcoin News

Since the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index (CBECI) project updated its mining map in mid-July, the United States has continued to dominate in terms of the amount of hashpower worldwide. Moreover, data shows that Foundry USA has managed to command the top pool position with 755 bitcoin block rewards mined during the last 30 days. The United States Commands a…

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Bitcoin Maximalism And Bitcoin Adoption

Bitcoin Maximalism And Bitcoin Adoption

The Fight For Bitcoin, Round One ”Everybody trying to PvP when the game is PvE.” – Edward Snowden The revolution will not be centralized. The ideal peaceful revolution that Bitcoin could be will not enable solely one class, one ideology or one political party to replace themselves as the new king of the hill. If Bitcoin’s social consensus is commandeered…

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The Winners of Metaverse Alliance 2021 Global Metathon – Press release Bitcoin News

The Winners of Metaverse Alliance 2021 Global Metathon – Press release Bitcoin News

press release PRESS RELEASE. Lasting for two months, the largest Metaverse Hackathon (called Metathon) organized by Metaverse Alliance and LD Capital has officially ended on January 21, 2022, PST. Over 100 contestants took part, with nearly 280 developers from 13 different countries engaged. To ensure the professionalism and fairness of the Metathon, 36 judges were invited from the leading funds…

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Fitch Ratings warns of risks crypto miners pose to US power supply

Fitch Ratings warns of risks crypto miners pose to US power supply

Global credit rating agency Fitch Ratings is warning public power utilities across the United States to mitigate the risk crypto mining could post their production of power. In a Monday notice, Fitch Ratings said that only utilities in states like Washington, which have excess generation capacity, may be capable of meeting the power requirements of many crypto mining operations. The…

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There’s a browser plugin that autoblocks Twitter NFT profile pictures

There’s a browser plugin that autoblocks Twitter NFT profile pictures

That was quick. Within 24 hours of the launch of the Twitter nonfungible token, or NFT, profile pictures for iOS update, a github contributor called mcclure has coded up and shared a browser extension that automatically blocks Twitter accounts using an NFT profile picture. The program called NFTBlocker blocks paying subscribers of the Twitter Blue for iOS service who choose…

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House members call for an end to lawmakers trading stocks — is crypto next?

House members call for an end to lawmakers trading stocks — is crypto next?

Congresspeople currently HODLing or actively trading in crypto may have to stop doing so while in office if recent pushes to ban lawmakers from investing in stocks gain enough support. In a Monday letter addressed to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, 27 members of the U.S. House of Representatives called for action “to prohibit members of Congress…

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