'Crypto for Good': Ukrainian Official Shares Photo of New Military Equipment

‘Crypto for Good’: Ukrainian Official Shares Photo of New Military Equipment

Mykhailo Fedorov on Sunday shared a photo of what the war-torn nation is spending crypto donations on: 200 sets of ballistic plates for bulletproof vests. “The better equipped soldiers,” wrote the vice prime minister and minister of digital information, “the sooner day of Ukrainian victory.” Ukraine began accepting donations in cryptocurrencies almost immediately after Russia invaded in late February. Tens…

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Today's Top Ethereum and Bitcoin Mining Devices Continue to Rake in Profits

Today’s Top Ethereum and Bitcoin Mining Devices Continue to Rake in Profits – Mining Bitcoin News

As the crypto economy hovers just under $2 trillion in value, application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) mining devices are making decent profits. While ASIC miners can still mine ethereum, a 1.5 gigahash (GH/s) Ethash mining device can rake in $51.58 per day in profits. SHA256 bitcoin miners that can process at speeds up to 110 terahash, can obtain $13.74 per day…

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Why Donald Trump Needs Bitcoin

Bitcoin Is Apolitical, Not Anti-Leftist

Riding on Canada’s “Freedom Convoy” protests, Republican Senator Ted Cruz triumphantly took to the stage to embrace Bitcoin in a recent, highly publicized CPAC event. In a typically pro-Republican tirade, Cruz blasted his political opponents from Justin Trudeau and Elizabeth Warren to the Chinese Communist Party for opposing Bitcoin because of a desire to control the financial freedom and civil…

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This Week on Crypto Twitter: Elon Musk, Other Billionaires Imagine Transforming Twitter

This Week on Crypto Twitter: Elon Musk, Other Billionaires Imagine Transforming Twitter

Illustration by Mitchell Preffer for Decrypt Twitter is still feeling aftershocks from Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s decision to take a 9.2% stake in the platform.  On Monday, Twitter CEO Paral Agrawal posted a note to let everyone know that Musk would no longer be taking a board role, a move that Agrawal had announced the previous week. Just before midday…

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Draft Law Regulating Aspects of Crypto Taxation Submitted to Russian Parliament

Draft Law Regulating Aspects of Crypto Taxation Submitted to Russian Parliament – Taxes Bitcoin News

A bill updating Russia’s tax law to incorporate provisions pertaining to cryptocurrencies has been filed with the State Duma, the lower house of parliament. The legislation is tailored to regulate the taxation of sales and profits in the country’s market for digital assets. Russian Deputies to Review Law on Crypto-Related Taxation The federal government of Russia has submitted to the…

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Bitcoin Is Insurance Against States

Protect Your Bitcoin With An Estate Plan

Have you thought about what will happen to your bitcoin when you die? For many of us, the thought has at least crossed our mind. But the number of HODLers we know that have actually put in place a legally sound plan of action ensuring both the sovereignty and privacy of their holdings is very few. This is understandable. For…

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What’s Fueling the Rise of NFT Photography Collecting

What’s Fueling the Rise of NFT Photography Collecting

Avid NFT photography collector Freddie snatched a photograph for $2,300 in November 2021. Two months later, he flipped it for $30,400. Welcome to the world of NFT photography collecting, where fine art meets decentralized finance for Millennials. Data from Artprice and estimates from Collector Daily suggest that the NFT photography market grew in 2021 to $200 million, the size of…

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