
Why I Left My Legacy News Job For Bitcoin

I have always been my mother’s daughter. My mother is a captivating storyteller, an avid reader and a fearless risk-taker who I endlessly admire. Those are the very reasons my dad once told me he fell in love with her and went along with her decision to lead our family across an ocean with few belongings aside from a very strong vision of the American Dream.

My mother’s wish since she was very young was to come to America. Both my parents grew up in Communist Poland, which suffered through the hostilities of war, oppressive government, job scarcity and constant invasion. My mom’s dad, who I never had the honor of meeting, would show her classic Hollywood movies when she was growing up and planted a seed. He told my mom that a better world existed in America, one where there was a sense of upward mobility, opportunity and freedom. One where you didn’t have to wait hours in line for basic necessities.

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